Monday, October 20, 2008

Plyometrics - done

Ok, my heart wasn't in it, but i did it.... sweating currently as I'm writing this...

Slacker!!! Day - 16

Today is day 16 of the workout, and I haven't worked out in a week... It's killing me, so tonight I'm working out and then working on my halloween costume...but working out for sure!!

Good news though, I weighed in this morning at 216.6...which is 6lbs less than I started...but mainly, I went to purchase new jeans this weekend and I cleanly fit into a 34 inch waist. there was one pair that were a little tight in the crotchal region...but they fit in the waist area. I ended up going with a 36, but only because the length looked better than I could find for the 34's ... and I have a belt. I'll write more tomorrow after my 3rd Plyometrics work out....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 10 - shoulders and arms - Part 1.5

Since last week I didn't really do this very much...because of weights...I made sure I went to my brothers house where he had weights I could use... and.... OUCH!!! I never went over 15 lbs on any workout and sometimes went down to 5 lbs... This work out will kick your butt!! I promise you,

after sitting on the floor at the end, I realized how much I use my arms to get up...because they KILLED me trying to lift myself. I'm a little sore today, should be more tomorrow.

Tonight I'm supposed to do the Yoga X, but I don't feel like I get a good workout with this(because I can't come close to half the moves), so I might do plymetrics again or maybe kenpo x just to get the cardio in. I'll let you guys know.

Day 9 - Plyometrics...The Sequel

Ok, this time it did actually get easier for me.... I did the work out and was drenched in sweat, so I got my cardio in much more than last time, but I did as the P90X suggests and "Do your best, and forget the rest". I pushed myself until I was shaking, but I never it was a great workout. I can't wait to do it again next week!!!

Day 8 - Chest and Back....Again

Well, we are back to doing push-ups, Pull-ups, and more back workout. I just wasn't motivated to work out today, but I did it anyways... and again, it sucked!!! haha I did pace myself a little better this time so that I wasn't burned out at the end. I still couldn't do all "REAL" push-ups and switched to girl push-ups at one point... this did completely suck though, and I was sweating like you wouldn't believe...

So for all those people out there that said it was easier the second time around.... They lied!!! :)

Day 7 - Day of Rest

Saturday was our Day of rest... So I took the time to stay at home and make dinner with my fiance' and watch a full Degrassi Marathon... Sad, I know....but it's what she wanted to do, and since we don't go out as much as we used to on dates.... She could get her way with this one. Looking forward to Day 8 and starting over.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 6 - Kenpo X

This is the last workout of the week was Kenpo X....I was excited about this because any sort of fight training is just fun to me. and although I wasn't hitting anything. Throwing punches is a good thing... This mixed in all sorts of punches and kicks and constant moving...I think I sweat more in this one than any other. but it was by far my favorite so far.

So far the first week is done...and it was nice...I didn't do all of what I should have...but I lost a couple pounds and I think I toned up some.... So, lets keep it up some more.

Day 5 - Legs and Back

Whoops...I skipped this one... I had a bible study to do, that doesn't get out until 10pm...then I stayed late and chit-chatted... so by the time I got home, It was too late, and I didn't have the bands/weights I I skipped it.... sue me! :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day 4 Yoga-X


I didn't know this at the time....I've always thought that Yoga was easy and just breathe control... But holy freaking cow. My Brother and I did the first 35 minutes of it...then realized we were in WAY over our heads. when it comes to muscle work outs, we are both a lot of pain, but Yoga is about breathing control and slow movements... so we skipped ahead about 15 minutes and I saw some weird bendy movement that I couldn't imagine doing in my wildest dreams....on one leg.... So we skipped ahead again....and then again.... and finally with the cool down....

I'm still trying to do them every day though...and I even got a complement today on looking smaller.... I'll take it. :)

Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms

I don't really have much to say here because of 2, I couldn't find my dumb bells... and two, it was the presidential debate. So, I started trying to work out, and I did the warm up and broke a good sweat....I started trying curls and shoulder raises...but my weights(paint cans) just wasn't enough workout and too hard to I gave up and decided to look for my weights after the debate....

The debate was set to end at 10:30, unfortunetly, I only made it to 10:15 before I fell asleep... So Day 3 got me a little bit of a work out, but not a full p90x workout.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 2 - Plyometrics

Ok, I thought after day one....this would have been a break day...but not so much. The plyometrics was full of squat jumps and twists and hops for a full hour... Stephen and I completed it though, and even though we were both sweating like a mad men, to me it seemed this one was easier to me. Don't get me wrong though, my legs were shaking when I was done. So easier does not mean easy....

Today I think I'm more sore than yesterday. Now it's not just my chest, triceps and's my quads too....

On another note, my fiance, my mother and my sis-in-law all started on Jullian Michaels 30 day shred. After the 30 days, they may start their own p90x.

Day 1 of P90X (Chest and Back)

Ok, I'll try to keep this update for the next 90 days... not sure it'll happen, but I'll try.... Sunday evening my brother, Stephen, and I started doing the p90x workout. and we've both tried to push ourselves to continue doing it for the next 90 days.

Day one is Chest and Back... and holy crap! between all the pushups and chin ups we had to do. My arms were shaking about half way through the 60 minute workout. then you have to do it all again in reverse. Lets just say be the time I got to the diamond pushups the second time. My goal was to do 1. and I failed. so I had to do the girl pushups(from my knees), and even then doing 5 was a struggle and I was shaking. Before going to bed that night, I was already starting to feel sore..... Not good